The Rainbow-Wearing Tiny Bird with Retro Style

Meet Barry, the adorable canary with a retro hairdo that’s the spitting image of a well-done bowl cut.

Gloster Canaries originally hail from the Canary Islands, however, sadly, you can’t find them in the wild. These today are a result of decades of selective breeding.

“I’m the birb with the fringe!”

These birds are talented and known to be renowned singers.

Due to their musical talents and retro haircut, they have become highly popular amongst bird pet lovers.

“On the 26th of July, we went to a pet shop to look for the perfect bird.”

“We came back on the 27th and thought he was definitely the one,” said Barry’s owners.“

“We believe he is 1 and a half years old but we have no proof (Glosters can live 7 – 12 years).”

“There are two types of Gloster canaries, one being consorts they are the ones without the fringe and the others are coronas with the fringe and it’s pretty obvious which category barry falls under!”

“Barry absolutely adores going out in his bird carrier. We will walk around parks and fields and he will tweet and hop with excitement.”

“He also loves sitting on the window still and singing.”

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