Glossy Ibis: Discovering the Graceful Appearance and Ecological Significance of a Wading Bird with a Unique Habitat


Black kumquat – Glossy ibis, Thanh Mien, 5/2020


The stork is a small-sized species in the stork group (about 60 cm). During the breeding season, the bird has dark brown plumage with a purplish tint, a light brown curved bill, and dark brown legs and feet. Outside of the breeding season, birds have lighter plumage with more white stripes on the neck and head. Males and females are similar.


Glossy ibis is a small sized species in ibis family (about 60 cm). In breeding season, it has mainly purplish-tinged, dark brownish plumage, pale brownish curved bill, dark brownish legs and feet. In non breeding seasons, it’s plumage is paler with white streaks on head and neck. Male and female are similar.

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